Matthew Ozment
on June 15, 2023
“I’ve lost everything. No matter the outcome of this trial, I’ve already lost. I lost when these allegations were made cause they will stay with me forever. My life is ruined forever.”
– Johnny Depp
Having your name and reputation slandered can damage all parts of your life.
Defamatory statements hurt your business, family, relationships, and well-being. Grove Ozment helps clients fight to clear their names. We fight for clients to protect their reputations and recover damages.
Grove Ozment defends clients against defamation claims as well. Being wrongfully accused of defamation can have serious consequences. Grove Ozment can help you defend against a defamation claim, often by showing the alleged defamatory statements are true or were never published in the first place.
What is the Difference between Defamation, Libel, and Slander in South Carolina?
Defamation is a civil claim that can be pursued when a person has falsely communicated about an individual or a business. To prove defamation in South Carolina, you must show the following elements:
- A false and defamatory statement was made;
- The unprivileged publication was made to a third party;
- The publisher was at fault; and
- Either actionability of the statement irrespective of special harm or the existence of special harm caused by the publication.
Slander and libel are forms of defamation in South Carolina. Slander occurs when someone speaks a defamatory statement. Libel occurs when someone writes a defamatory statement. Regardless of whether the defamatory statement was spoken or written, the damage is real and can form the basis of a defamation lawsuit.
What Are the Damages and Remedies in a Defamation Lawsuit?
A successful claim for defamation allows an individual or business to recover money damages for the injury to their reputation and the mental suffering from being defamed. In certain circumstances, you can also recover punitive damages or have the court issue an injunction prohibiting or compelling a specific act such as removing a post on social media.
The Truth Will Set You Free
Truth is an absolute defense to a defamation claim. If a statement is true, it is not defamatory, even if it is derogatory or negative.
What is Publication?
For defamation to have occurred, the statement must have been communicated to a third party. This means it must have been published to someone other than the plaintiff. Publication can be as simple as a comment at dinner or a tweet.
What about Defamation on Social Media?
Social media has allowed people to quickly publish statements to wide audiences. Defamatory communications can easily be published on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snap, and TikTok, and immediately have a huge impact on the reputation of an individual or business. Social media can cause defamatory comments to spread like wildfire to strangers across the country and the world. Grove Ozment helps clients navigate through the crisis caused by a defamatory statement and will fight to clear their name in court.
Let Grove Ozment Fight to Clear Your Name
Whether you have been defamed or are being accused of defamation, Grove Ozment can help you navigate the issues in a defamation lawsuit. Call Grove Ozment today or contact us online to see what we can do for your case.